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Empyer is an extension of the hyperspy package. It provides additional functionality related to analyzing 4 and 5 dimensional data sets. Especially STEM diffraction patterns from metallic glasses.

Downloading EMpyer is easy. You can download the latest version of EMpyer from PyPi using pip.

$pip install empyer

Assuming you are looking at Diffraction patterns from a STEM you can easily view the data by just sending the plot command to a diffraction_signal object. Utilizing the plotting and loading abilities from hyperspy the signal will be shown. The norm= ‘log’ command just plots on a logarithmic scale. Because Empyer is a registered extension of hyperspy just by importing hyperspy you will load all the additional functionality of Empyer.

import hyperspy.api
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

dif_signal = hs.load(file, signal_type ='diffraction_signal')