Advanced GuideΒΆ

This section goes further into the methods for correcting and optimizing your data. While ideally most of these functions would work with minimal human interaction the reality of the situation is that whatever can go wrong will inevitably go wrong.

So the purpose of this tutorial is to show some of the most common errors and problems with analysis and how to solve these problems.

Advanced Loading

Starting at the very beginning, the first thing you need to figure out the proper way to load your signal. While hyperspy is very good at loading a variety of signals. Sometimes there is a bit of difficultly in loading the data in a way that makes sense. I have wrote some scripts which load emi, tiff and .mrc files. While they might not be incredibly useful they are a good start for how to efficiently package microscope outputs into .hdf5 files.

Most of the work he is setting up your axes correctly, which while not the hardest thing to do, will save many headaches down the road.

Advanced Image Registration

In most cases the image resolution of the diffraction patterns is both a blessing and a curse. On one hand higher resolution gives a more accurate image and position, but on the other hand, higher resolutions means that for every distortion in a diffraction pattern there is a loss of intensity.