
If you are interested in how Electron Correlation Microscopy (ECM), Angular Correlations (AC) and Fluctuation Electron Microscopy (FEM) can be used to help interpret your data you are in the right place. EMpyer hopes to provide a simple framework which simplifies the process and allows for quick visualization and analysis. Due to the size of many of these experiments EMpyer hopes to scale with the needs of whoever is using the software, weather it be analyzing one image on a desktop to dealing with terabytes of data on a cluster.

Maintained by the Voyle’s Group at the University of Wisconsin Madison, if you have any questions/ bugs to report send an email to or submit an issue on github.

Much of the visualization tools are extensions of hyperspy, which has pretty extensive documentation. As a result it is probably worthwhile to check out their documentation to see if you can find your answer there.

We strive for an easy way to look at and understand your data. While each of these techniques alone provide some measure of information about some material, we hope that packaging them all together they are easily accessible.